Start right here—with help from SareptAssist.
Need some guidance as you navigate the complexities of starting treatment? We’re here to help with SareptAssist, our patient support program.
It’s easy to enroll: Once your doctor has prescribed VYONDYS 53, just print out the enrollment form and sign it to indicate your consent. Then, take it to your doctor to complete and send in the form for you. This authorizes SareptAssist to start working on your behalf.
SareptAssist is a resource available to those pursuing or currently utilizing one of Sarepta's approved products. SareptAssist is only available in the United States.
Give us a call.

Case Managers are available Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 6:30 pm ET

Did you know? While your doctor is your primary resource for discussing your medical needs, your Case Manager can be one of your key contacts for questions regarding insurance benefits, treatment coordination, and access.
What to expect after your enrollment form is submitted.
A welcome call.
Introducing you to SareptAssist.
When enrollment is complete, your dedicated Case Manager will call to welcome you to SareptAssist, explain how they can help, and answer your questions. With their experience in rare diseases, insurance plans, and healthcare networks, you’ll have Support, By Your Side.
Benefits investigation.
Ensuring you’re covered for
Your Case Manager will help you understand your insurance benefits and contact your insurance company to verify coverage. Depending on your type of insurance and relevant circumstances, they can also provide information on other financial assistance options you may be eligible for.
“There are a lot of steps; families and patients have lots of questions. It’s my responsibility to really just explain the whole process.”
–Diane, SareptAssist Case Manager

Related FAQs
Several advocacy organizations offer Duchenne patients and families the opportunity to come together at events throughout the year. Find out more about Duchenne advocacy groups.